The Saskatchewan forest fringe area contains some of the best whitetail hunting in North America. Our collection of shed antlers, some that would score in the 180s, attest to the many deer harvested in our photos. It is reasonable for the hunter to see 130 to 160 BC class deer during the hunt. Some bucks exceed the 160 mark, some are harvested while others leave the hunter with only a memory. The largest buck taken by a client gross scored 204! Every year, we have boasted several bucks in the 160-170 class and many in the 140-150s.
The average body weight of these deer ranges from 240 to 300 pounds. Sheer body mass and equally heavy racks make these whitetails a highly coveted trophy. Hunting methods include the use of tree stands, ground blinds for baited stands and rattling stands. Patience and persistence are the vital keys.
Along with Kent and Lori, we are proud to have the best whitetail guides in the industry. Each of which go the extra mile to ensure a great hunt is had by all!
Here are your hunt basics:
- 1 deer limit
- Archery and muzzleloader – season starts the last week of October every year with one week primitive weapons (full camouflage
- Primitive weapons can be used throughout the rifle season with red, orange or white top and red or orange hat
- Rifle season – starts the first Monday of November every year and includes the first week of December. Red orange or white top and red or orange hat required (may change for 2009 to vest and hat, please inquire)
- Gun permits are required in order to transport across Canadian border
- We use a wide range of tree stands, ladder stands and ground blinds, optimizing cover and travel routines (our proven success)
- Propane heaters if requested
- Breakfast served early morning, packed lunch and thermos for the day, and a great meal before ending your day
- We skin, cape, freeze your hide and clean the rack
- All preparation for your transport home or to a local taxidermist
- Warm pack boots and warm wool clothing to be worn in layers as temperatures dictate, heat packs are essential
- Tree stand belts are mandatory
We also have large archery area for whitetail, consisting of prime farmland and the provincial forest. This region is a well traveled corridor for whitetails and produces huge bucks annually. All of our guides are avid archery hunters and take extra care to ensure a successful hunt.
Intense year round scouting reveals key travel routes and core breeding areas. A rattling session in these regions will often result in multiple bucks responding to the calls. A steamed-up, revved-up Canadian whitetail in bow range is an awesome sight, one that our hunters could experience on November hunts during all phases of the highly active northern rut.
Saskatchewan allows hunting deer at baits, so hunters can be in the zone where trophy buck encounters are likely no matter what the weatherman says. Hunting near bait with a bow is pretty darn tough, not the cake-walk that some who have never done it claim it to be. We can tailor your hunt to include your preferred hunting methods, but however you choose to hunt in RockRidge territory, you can expect to encounter some trophy bucks and have an exciting and successful hunting adventure!